Sell-Side / Buy-Side Advisory
No one wants to sell their business because they have to. Typical agency owners understand their business very well, but lack the necessary acumen to fully monetize it.
We will perform a ‘deep-dive exploration’ into all aspects of your business. Learn how and where your assets are allocated and if these need adjusting.
Evaluate your talent, costs, profits and losses, and determine potential growth areas and opportunities.
This data feeds into the development of a proper valuation of your agency.
We know the buyers in the industry and what they are looking for. Our relationships are substantive and meaningful. We combine that knowledge with that we learned during our discovery of your business, to bring to you the ideal buyers.
Agency owners spend their career building a successful agency. Helfer & Associates will help you sell it and monetize successfully.
What Are Your Goals?
- Financial Security
- College for the kids
- Retirement
- Illness
- Turning your agency into a mega-player
- Owners stay on and continue to spearhead your agency’s growth and expansion
Our vast experience has allowed us access to the most qualified buyers. Finding the successful buyer / seller combination that fulfills your goals is our is our top priority.