Thank you for your interest in Helfer & Associates.
There are several reasons why Kenny Helfer and his associates are best suited to represent a possible seller in any agency transaction. The most important reasons are due to his years of experience in financial transactions and overall track record in agency advisory. Moreover, are our relationships with all of the active agency buyers in the market, and a complete understanding of the agency market. Adding to this experience, Kenny brings in a level of personal service and ‘hand-holding’, if you will, that helps creates one of the most crucial ingredients to the whole process – trust and transparency.
After earning his BA in Economics from Yeshiva University, Kenny spent over 11 years at IDT Corporation, a New Jersey based financial, telecommunications, and media company with revenues well over $2 billion. During this time, Kenny worked his way up to Chief Investment Officer and Senior Vice President of Corporate Development. Kenny also completed his MBA at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business.
Following Kenny’s tenure at IDT Corporation he was a Co-Founder / Financier / Board Member of HopStop was acquired by Apple, Inc. It went on to become the premier online and mobile transit direction and hyper-navigation app in the world.
From a quantitative standpoint, Helfer & Associates has transacted well over $200 million in deal value. For these reasons, coupled with patience, and outstanding people skills, Kenny Helfer has on edge on his competition.
Kenny spent over twenty years in Corporate Development and Mergers & Acquisitions specializing in financial services. He started his own firm in 2012 specializing and concentrating solely on independent agencies nationwide and abroad.
Kenny has a personal and specialized approach to getting the right deal done for each seller. Not all sellers are the proper fit for certain buyers. It is not just about price, but its also about finding the right structure, and culture for his client, post-acquisition. The advisor must have a certain rapport and relationship with his client to understand the client’s short term and long term goals.
Kenny also separates himself from the rest of the competition in helping relieve the stress that comes along with this type of event in someone’s professional life. Kenny spends a significant amount of time with the client well before he makes any introduction to buyers. Some clients are just more prepared psychologically to move faster than others. Each deal and each client is completely different.
Helfer & Associates will provide you with:
• Leadership
• Stability
• Direction
• Sound advice
• Comfort
• Peace of mind
All of this comes as a result of his expertise and knowledge of the agency market.